16th Annual Tucker Plant Swap & Share – Saturday, April 22, 2017

Our 16th Annual Tucker Plant Swap & Share will be held on Saturday, April 22, 2017, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, in the parking lot of Tucker First Baptist Church located at the corner of LaVista Road and Fourth Street.


Native Plants
Shrubs & Trees
House Plants
Books & Tools
Seeds & Pots

Plants are not for sale but donations are welcome at the information table. Tickets will also be available for the Annual Tucker Garden Tour.

A View of Northlake Then and Now

Long before Aldi, Mellow Mushroom, Publix, or the Mall came to town, the area known today as Northlake was primarily pasture and trees. In 1960 less than 100 residential homes occupied what has become a thriving commercial district.

The completion of I-285 in 1969, with three exists leading drivers through Tucker, changed the community forever. The opening of Northlake Mall in 1971, including a Davidsons, JCPenney, and Sears, cemented the idea that retail was here to stay. No longer would residents be dependent on mail order, trips to department stores downtown, or even a drive to nearby North DeKalb Mall (Opened in 1965).

Much has changed, yet much remains the same. Lavista, Briarcliff, Henderson Mill, Weems, Montreal, and Randolph Roads are visible on both the photograph from 1960 and a more recent image from 2015.

Browning Courthouse Day – Saturday, October 8th, 2016

Saturday, October 8th, 201610:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Tucker Historical Society invites the community to celebrate Browning Courthouse on Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Admission is Free for this Rain or Shine event.

The event is being  held in conjunction with Tucker Recreation Center’s Annual Fall Festival which will give more people an opportunity to learn about Tucker history as well as the community services, enrichment classes and other year round services that occur at Tucker Recreation Center.

Browning Couthouse, circa 1860, will be open for visitors of all ages to see the special collections of Tucker Historical Society.

The Tucker Recreation Center’s Annual Fall Festival includes their Annual Yard Sale and a food drive for the Food Pantry.  Yard sale space can be reserved by visiting TuckerRec.org and all proceeds benefit the Friends of Tucker Rec

Browning Courthouse is located on the front lawn of the Tucker Recreation Center at 4898 Lavista Road, Tucker, GA 30084.